August is Family Fun Month

family fun

Just because summer is almost over, it doesn’t mean that the fun has to stop! August is National Family Fun Month and below are some great activities to do with your kids before they head back to school.

  1. Go camping – at a park or in your backyard
  2. Bake cupcakes – for some great recipes check out “The Cupcake Diaries by [amazon_link id=”0062090607″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ][/amazon_link]Katherine Kallinis Berman and Sophie Kallinis LaMontagne
  3. Go to the movies – maybe even find a local drive-in – how retro!
  4. Go swimming – at your local pool or a lake
  5. Take a road trip – within your state or across the border
  6. Go fishing – a weekend away or just a trip down to the pond/lake
  7. Have a lemonade stand – try making two kinds of refreshing flavors and teach your kids a lesson or two about hard work and money
  8. Read books together – take time to read together. If you need some new books, check out your local library or some of these award-wining books.
  9. Create a family tree – go back a few generations and draw it out on paper – get creative!
  10. Play a board game – pick up a new one or take out an old classic. Click here for some great award-winning games.
  11. Go for a bike ride – bikes, tricycles, scooters – whatever your family rides
  12. Learn a new sport – put together a family/friends group and play soccer or baseball or tennis
  13. Host a family grill out – invite cousins, aunts/uncles over and teach your kids a fewthings about grilling
  14. Go on a nature scavenger hunt – head out to your favorite forest, desert, swamp or prairie and see who can find everything on the list first
  15.  Wash the car – doing a car wash at home is a great way to cool off
  16. Have a water balloon toss – invite your neighbors over for some fun outdoor games
  17. Volunteer in the community – find a cause your family wants to support and do it together
  18. Learn something new together – a foreign language, karate, flower arranging, etc.
  19. Plant a garden – look up what is a good plant or flower to plant this time of year
  20. Have a block party – include a pot luck, a bike parade, and more
  21. Take a trip to the farmer’s market – last chance at fresh, local produce
  22. Create sidewalk art with chalk – let your imagination run wild
  23. Build a sand castle – at the beach or in your own back yard (if you have a large enough sandbox)
  24. Go on a picnic – breakfast, lunch or dinner, it doesn’t matter as long as you’re together
  25. Fly a kite – make your own or pick one up at your local hardware store
  26. Family dance party – make a music mix that parents and kids will both love
  27. Feed the ducks – take your leftover bread and crackers down to the pond/lake
  28. Make your own ice cream – yum, yum, yum and fun, fun, fun
  29. Gaze at the stars – and find a few constellations and use the [amazon_link id=”0061140082″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]”Our Solar System“[/amazon_link]book by Seymour Simon to help
  30. Craft it up – on a rainy day or a super hot one, pick out a fun craft project for your family
  31. Put together a summer photo book – go through your photos you’ve taken all summer long and put together a memory photo book so you’ll never forget the summer of 2016.

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