Frequently Answered Questions

You asked. We answered.

Want to know the things most people ask? Have questions rattling around in your head?

Look no further. Below you’ll find our giant list of Frequently Answered Questions.

Dig around and get the answers you’re looking for.

Because how insurance works shouldn’t be a secret.

General Insurance Questions

Is Wear And Tear Covered?

Do I Need Flood Insurance?

How Do Deductibles Work?

How Do I Cover My Net Worth?

Is A Tree Falling On My House Covered?

Why Is My Premium Going Up?

How Do I Do An Insurance Review?

How Do I File A Claim?

As A Parent, Do I Need Life Insurance?

What Is An Umbrella Policy?

Do Renters Need Insurance?

Auto Insurance

Can I Lower My Auto Premium?

What Is Auto Liability?

What If I Have An Accident With An Uninsured Driver?

Homeowners Insurance

Should I Bundle My Auto & Homeowners Insurance?

Are Market Value & Replacement Cost Different?

What Do I Do If I Have A Homeowners Claim?

Commercial FAQs

Is There Insurance For My Small Business?

Is There Coverage For Employee Lawsuits?

What Are Lawsuits My Business Could Face?

Do I Need Coverage From Hackers?

How Does Workers Comp Work?

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